Music and Visuals

“Art speaks from soul to soul.”

(Oscar Wilde)

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BeArte’s Music

BeArte’s promise is quality, so she is convincing BeaK about using MP3 files only when necessary. Otherwise BeArte is eager to use lossless formats.

Siren March

Siren March

Reflections of the Muse

(full version)

Reflections of the Muse

(full version)

The Incident

The Incident

Reflektionen einer Muse

Reflektionen einer Muse

Mercury Calling

Mercury Calling

The Mistress of the Crow

The Mistress of the Crow

Tumbling Tomb

Tumbling Tomb

Love is the Light

Love is the Light

Trip to the Moon (instrumental 32:32')

Trip to the Moon (instrumental 32:32')

Trip to the Moon (shorter)

Trip to the Moon (shorter)

BeArte Composing to Visuals

Twice elected for a scholarship at Media Sound Hamburg, The Moon Bird is one example of BeArte composing to visuals, in a Masterclass with Gary Yershon (Mr Turner).

BeArte is on Warner Chappell’s production library.

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„The Moon Bird is a dark fairytale about an orphan girl who must outwit a terrible sorceress with the help of a magical lunar bird…“
Animation by The Brothers McLeod

Another example is The American Friend by Wim Wenders, which can only be distributed via a private link on demand due to copyright.

BeArte Live

New Dates landing soon!

Master of Arts @Waterbear College, Brighton, UK

Done & Dusted

14. 09. 2018
Popup @Brighton, UK

15. 09. 2018
Popup @Brighton, UK

01. 11. 2017
Cosmic Winter @Electric Theatre, Guildford, UK

20. 07. 2017
Summer Live @Electric Theatre, Guildford, UK

10. 06. 2017
Dark-Light Performance @Herford, UK

02. 04. 2017
Red Brick Vintage @Threshold Festival, UK

28. 03. 2017
The Star @Guildford, UK

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